Becoming a member will give you access to certain products, services and functionalities that are not available to non-members.
Importantly, when you purchase a package of lessons, you will automatically be subscribed to one or more of the membership types (for example, membership Type 1 and Type 2).
The following membership types are currently available.
Type 0: Free Membership: You get access to free membership content, including free newsletters.
Price: Free!
Type 1: Free with 'Small-group' lesson packages: When you purchase a package of Small-group lessons (see the 'Buy & Book' page), you get access to My Dictionary, Knowledgebase, Quizzes (excluding Engagement Quizzes), and Forums.*
Type 2: Free with 'Individual' lesson packages: When you purchase a package of Individual lessons (see the 'Buy & Book' page), you get access to My dictionary, Intersession Engagements and Engagement Quizzes, Knowledgebase, and Quizzes.*
*Access for Type 1 and Type 2 memberships is limited to the duration of the package, i.e. while the lesson package concerned is active.